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Visit Wampusirpi through the eyes of little Solky

author: charita | date: 9. augusta 2022 | category: Honduras

Solky Sambula

A nine-year-old girl

Solky comes from Wampusirpi, a village located in the east part of Honduras. She is energetic, likes to meet up with her friends, play by the river, runs a lot and loves making dresses for her doll. She wants to become a fashion designer.

The sun has already risen, and the first rays penetrate the leaves of palms. Not far from here, on the dirt road to the west, there is a river where our hard-working mothers, are washing clothes. When one looks around, one gets a glimpse of the contrast between the beautiful nature and the many simple wooden shacks. This is the village of Wampusirpi, where hundreds of children wake up. One of them is a little nine-year-old girl named Solky.

School starts in the afternoon, so Solky has a lot of free time. She is using it to help her mother.She helps with washing clothes by the river, hangs the laundry, and after, she goes for water which they use all day. The water well in the backyard is not common, and that is the reason families from Wampusirpi have to make water supplies for the whole day.

When all the home chores are complete, Solky together with her friends, visit sister Gerardin, who tutors them and helps them prepare for school. She also organizes activities to entertain them. Children spend their free time before school here. 

Children do not get a warm meal at school, that’s why Solky must gain all her energy at home. She takes her prepared packed backpack and waits in front of her house to meet up with her cousins. They together walk to school. The journey to school takes about 15 minutes and in no time, she is walking to her classroom.

Her first class is math. When the teacher comes to the classroom, all the children are already sitting behind their desks. Little Solky is impatiently waiting for her favorite class to begin, literature. In between classes, children have a few minutes breaks, and sometimes teachers give them a break, that lasts 40 minutes. Children use their free time to play at the playground, next to the school or for relaxation.

School has just ended, and children are packing all their school supplies into their backpacks and are on their way home. Solky is again walking home with her cousins. The dinner is waiting for her at the dinner table. After eating, she works on her homework. Sometimes studying is easy, and other times she asks her aunt for help. They complete all her assignments together.

The sun comes down, it is a sign to start preparing for bed. Before sleep, the whole family gets together and prays. They thank God for a good day and ask for the next day to be a success, once again. They don’t forget to pray for donors from Slovakia, who support children from Wampusirpi. Thanks to them, Solky and her friend can celebrate the little things such as a school bag or pencil case.

We thank all the donors who decided to support children from the Children’s Donation Project. Your help has changed the lives and destinies of children for more than 25 years. Join our project, adopt a child remotely, and accompany him with us to a better life. You will find the application for the project here.