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Together we change the lives of children

author: charita | date: 10. septembra 2020 | category: India

They were in danger of ending up like many other Indian children. The hunger, looking for tough work every single day or never-ending fieldwork. Thanks to Children´s donation project, it does not end like that. Girls do not become young servants of the groom´s family, and boys do not have to make a living from heavy labour work. Slovak donors gave them an education.

In India, we currently support 1540 children together. In almost 25 years of our help, many children have come a long way in their efforts. They managed to finish school and get a job of their dreams. This is also a story of Joyson, who became a computer animator, and Harshitha who discovered the beauty of the teaching profession.

Both children were admitted to the project years ago by our local coordinator Joel Lasrado from the Dharma Jyothy Social Center Vamanjoor in Mangalore. Children come from poverty-stricken families, but they did not lack the desire to learn and make an effort to really change their lives. 

Throughout their childhood and adolescence, children are accompanied and supported by their donor from Slovakia. Sister Joel wrote in one of her messages for donors:

„The light you brought to the lives of these children and their families shines for them throughout the year. It is rare for us when a child communicates happily with you through their letters and drawings. We are happy you can share their world and all the activities of the academic year.“



Joyson joined the project when he was 8 years old. He managed to successfully complete the bachelor’s degree and now works for a company in Hyderabad. With a population of 6 million, it is the sixth biggest city in India. He works here on developing an application called BYJU´S, which is used for the education of children.

In one of his lasts letters, Joyson expresses his thanks to his donor: „Thank You very much for helping me with my studies. Your prayers and support, whenever I needed it most, kept me in good faith I could do it. You have contributed to a significant part of my life and provided me with everything I needed to gain an education. Thank You very much for Your Love and interest in me and my family.“

A Slovak donor began supporting Harshitha when she was just seven years old. She completed her bachelor´s degree with excellent grades and today works in one of the leading schools in Mangalore, in the Technical school of Sri Chaitanya. She teaches mathematics in the first to fifth year. These are the words of Harshitha after years of the help:

Thanks to Your support, today I´m a teacher. It has always been my dream, and You helped me to accomplish it. My family and I will remain forever thankful to You and pray that you are happy in life. I promise You that in future I will also help people in need.“


Miroslava Knapíková