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Current news from Ukraine

author: charita | date: 28. februára 2022 | category: Ukraine

We are monitoring the situation in Ukraine daily and are in contact with our local coordinators and partners according to the possibilities and security situation in the individual regions. In locations where it’s possible, partner organizations are in contact with the families and children involved in the project. Help and support is currently provided not only to children included in Children’s Donation Project but also to those in need who had to leave their homes due to war and are leaving for other regions.

Charitas Donetsk, city of Dnipro, 8:45

‚Our whole team is on their feet nonstop. We are helping with admitting and accommodation of evacuated people from the Luhansk area. The situation is critical. Other groups of evacuated citizens are continually arriving. We are trying to buy groceries, but it is not easy. The army comes first in every area. We have contacted bigger food chains, and we are trying to negotiate. We are also writing and sending many official requests. We hope there will be enough food for the children. We would like to inform you that we will probably lose contact with some of the children as many families flee Ukraine.‘ Svitlana Šuch.

City of Kharkiv, 9:20

All of us experience a lot of pain and sadness these days. We hold the whole of Ukraine, the children, our friends, and cooperators in our prayers. Today, we intensely think of all the people in Kharkiv. In the morning, we were able to briefly connect with our partners from the second largest city of Ukraine over the phone. The city is situated not far from the Russian border. People there are at the end of one’s tether and under intense strain. The situation is critical:
‚There are ongoing struggles and shelling. We are all afraid. We were unable to get in contact with all of the families. People are hiding because of the attacks. The fighting doesn’t stop, sirens are sounding, and people hide wherever they can. You are only allowed to go outside at certain times and for inevitable reasons.‘ We ask all of you to please pray and think of those who have found themselves amid the struggle.

Holy Spirit Seminary, Lviv, 11:24

‚Thank you for thinking about us. Ukraine has found itself in a fight against attacking Russia. Lviv is filled with people from central and eastern Ukraine. Many people are moving towards the western border, mostly women and children. Only a handful of seminarians and priests remain in the seminary. In cooperation with the municipality we are helping all people who had to flee their homes and come to Lviv. We prepare and hand out food, pray together, and offer spiritual support and support fot those in need. We are very grateful for your financial aid. We secure food, water and petrol for power generators. We will be immensly grateful for any other help. Thousands of people are fleeing the country, kilometers of cars are flowing towards Lviv and the border.‘ informs us about the situation directly from Lviv father Vladimír Krushelnytskyy, chancellor of the Holy Spirit Seminary.

Foster home for boys Zhyva Perla, Bortnyky, 11:48

‚We are situated in the Lviv region, in a village, the situation here is stable for now. We have prepared a preliminary evacuation plan if the circumstances change. Olred boys in the area were given protective vests and weapons in case of worsening of the situation and fights within the region. Our acquaintances have informed us that older boys in Lviv were also given vests and weapons and are a part of military patrols in the city. They are also helping people fleeing from other regions in the country. We are all praying for peace.‘ volunteer Jurij describes the situation in Bortnyky and in Lviv area.

Caritas Kolomyja, 15:36

We are honestly glad that in Kolomyja, the situation is relatively peaceful so far. Coordinator Natalia Hrihorčuk writes today: ‚All of the supported children as well as the Caritas workers are safe for now. We are very grateful for your help and prayers. Local volunteers and people in Kolomyia organise collections of food, hygiene items, and other things they want to share with the people fleeing the fighting areas. Thank you for your gifts, we utilise them to meet the necessities of those in need.‘

St. Martin’s Charity in the Transcarpathian Region, Mukachevo, 17:55

‚Dear benefactors and friends in Slovakia, we greatly appreciate your help. Crowds of people from other parts of Ukraine, where fighting takes place, are coming to Mukachevo and the border. We help them within our capabilities. We distribute food, bread and thermoses with tea. At the border people have to wait over 40 hours. We are preparing for many refugees. We will need blankets, pillows, non-perishable food, toiletries and clothing. We are extremely grateful for your humanity, understanding and financial gifts. They allow us to help the most needy, who are losing everything.‘ said Fehér Ferenc, director of the charity, about the situation near the Ukrainian-Slovak border.

Based on information from the coordinators from Ukraine, we provide and draw current funds, especially for food, drinking water, toiletries, blankets, and clothing. We sincerely thank you for any financial donations, prayers, and solidarity with the needy in Ukraine.

If you are interested in supporting the activities of the Children’s Donation Project in Ukraine, you can refer your help to the account number of our Small Projects:

SK49 0900 0000 0051 8393 5783 and write in the note: crisis in Ukraine.

Caritas Slovakia has launched a public fundraiser. You can also support people in Ukraine on the account number: SK93 1100 0000 0029 4546 3097, VS: 380.


Author of the article: Martina Borčíková

Photos: Katarína Pajerská