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Big world, little heroes: children attend school thanks to donors from Slovakia

author: charita | date: 18. júna 2024 | category: Tanzania

We want to share the stories of children from Tanzania – Joseph, Lazaro and Alphonsina. The children teach us about the power of hope and show us how important support and love are in their lives.

The village of Sukamahela is in the central part of Tanzania, one of the country’s driest areas. Approximately 900 children attend the local school. However, most parents in this region do not have enough resources to pay for school fees and provide for their families‘ basic needs. Since March of this year, we have extended our child support project to Tanzania. To date, more than 200 children here have found support from sponsors from Slovakia. Many more are still waiting for theirs, including boys Joseph and Lazaro and a girl named Alphonsina.

Joseph is a little boy in the second grade of elementary school. He lives with his mother and grandmother in a humble house. They also keep three chickens in front of their home. Joseph’s favourite animal is their neighbour’s goat. He would love to have his own goat so he could feed it and it would provide them with milk. He enjoys spending his free time with his friends. During school breaks, they play football, which is Joseph’s favourite game. His favourite subject in school is mathematics. When he grows up, he wants to be a policeman to help people and take care of his mum and grandma.

Lazaro is an eight-year-old boy who also comes from Sukamahela. He is a first grader because he started attending school a year later. He lives in a small home with his grandparents, who struggle to provide Lazaro with basic needs and pay his school fees. Fortunately, they have a small field behind the house where they grow vegetables. Lazaro likes to spend his free time with his friends, playing various games, such as tag and ball games. His favourite animal is a dog. He doesn’t have one yet, but he dreams of having a loyal companion to play with. Lazaro’s favourite subject in school is Swahili. He is eager to learn, so he can find a good job and help his grandparents in the future.

A six-year-old girl named Alphonsina has three siblings. Her best friend is her brother Joseph, with whom she plays football. Alphonsina also enjoys it when her mother reads her stories. She likes going to school because she has many friends there and she learns something new every day. Her favourite subject is mathematics because she loves solving various tasks and puzzles. When she grows up, she wants to become a teacher. Alphonsina dreams of visiting Dar es Salaam, the largest and busiest city in Tanzania.

In addition to material aid, donors from Adopcia na diaľku® (Children’s Donation Project) project allow children to feel their kindness and care. Each contribution represents a great gift for the children, motivating them to continue their studies and follow their dreams. Thanks to you we can contribute to a better life for children in Sukamahela. We thank you for being a part of this journey and for helping us make the world a better place for children in need.

Support a child from Tanzania here.

Read more about our help in Tanzania here.